Outside Links
Here are various other Web sites you may want to go look at. Some are
listed more than once because they seemed to fit into multiple categories.
- Personal Friends and Acquaintances:
- Lists and Information:
- Science, Technology, etc.:
- Science Fiction and Science Fiction Fandom:
- Gay, Lesbian, etc.:
- Religious and Spiritual:
- Other:
- If you're in the market for a C compiler for embedded systems, Imagecraft puts out a pretty good
one. And the owners are also
science fiction fans as well as personal friends.
- Intuitive Counseling with Elizabeth Lee.
- This Host:
About the Author
(40k GIF)
This page was created by Tom Digby and
is copyrighted with a fairly
liberal "fair use" policy.
Email = bubbles@well.com
Home Page = http://www.well.com/user/bubbles/