elcome to the official World Wide Web home of the 60s band that stopped the war in Vietnam. Bring flowers, godseyes, and boxes of air.
The recordings
The words to the songs
The films
How the band got started, by ED Denson
A history, by Bill Belmont
A genealogy, by Pete Frame
A photo album
A poster gallery
The Fish Cheer
Play an on-line version of the Fish Game from our second album.
Country Joe and the Fish meet Nick Fury!
Score our records online
Send the band some E-mail
"Country Joe" McDonald's page
Barry "The Fish" Melton's page
David Cohen's page
ED Denson's page
Other 60s San Francisco folks
Rock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame
Music Resources on the Net
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since December 30, 2000.Tom Weller, webwright.
"Country Joe and the Fish" is a registered service mark of Joe McDonald and Barry Melton