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<title>Nifty Neato Nest of Saws</title>
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<font size=5><b>This is it!</b><font size=4><br>
This is your online guide to finding your inner saw conciousness!!  Our theory is that every gal is a Saw Sistah-whether they know it or not!  For those of you who know it, be sure to send us stuff-photos, manifestos, good jokes, anything that relates to experiencing the Saw Sisterhood.  For those of you who don't know...read on, you'll get the hang of it, chica.  I will be your hostess with the mostess on your journey into web Saw-dom.  I am Go-GO, aka.Xena Warrior Princess.
Wow!  We finally have our very own web page.  At last a place for me to blatantly force upon the public my excessively gaudy photoshop style.  And all for a good cause (sigh).  <p>

Start by reading<br>
<li><a href="spew.jpg">"NOS is:"</a><br>
or read <li><a href="sigmanifesto">Sigs Mini Manifesto</a>

<hr><font size=5><b>Saw Sistah Connects:</b><font size=4>
<br><li>Go-Go (aka. Xena Warrior Princess) 
<br><a href=mailto:go-go@ccac-art.edu>go-go@ccac-art.edu</a>
<br><li>Sig (aka. Supreme Goddess, Benevolent Dictator...and friend to the animals.) 
<br><a href=mailto:sig_hafstrom@ccac-art.edu>sig_hafstrom@ccac-art.edu</a>
<br><a href=mailto:K-womyn@ccac-art.edu>K-womyn@ccac-art.edu</a>
Join us, Won't You?
<i>Squishy index of images and such:</i><br>
<ul><li><a href="pillar.jpg">The five pillars of the Saw (with a nice picture of David Bowie in drag)</a>
<br><li><a href="flatbart.mov">Sig, diving beneeth the San Francisco bay while Kathleen propositions her. (a movie)</a>
<br><li><a href="ickybart.mov">The chincy version of the same footage. (a crummy movie)</a>
