Escalante Canyon Backpack

4/27 - 5/3/97

Each of the thumbnail images below links to the full size JPEG version. WARNING: These images are big - 28.8K or faster modem recommended.

Peek-a-boo Slot Canyon (off Dry Coyote Gultch). (146K)

Sandstone bridges, Peek-a-boo Slot Canyon. (184K)

Window, Peek-a-boo Slot Canyon. (103K)

Flowering Cactus, Dry Coyote Gultch. (301K)

Spooky Slot Canyon (off Dry Coyote Gulch). (144K)

Upper Silver Falls Canyon. (257K)

Flowering Yucca, Choprock Bench. (241K)

Dead Tree, Choprock Bench. (225K)

Choprock Canyon. (210K)

Water chute, Choprock Canyon. (173K)

Water pockets, Choprock Canyon. (238K)

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All photos ©1997, David G. Ballinger

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