KPFK Antenna Project
October, 2001

The last step...

Jampro antenna assembly

Putting together the new Jampro antenna system for KPFK. Just like the Erector sets I used to build, only bigger!

Getting ready to hoist setting up the rigging

Rusty Hignite, coming up the tower this is the only way to get up there

The 6 inch Diameter (60 inches long) Matching Transformer feedline section on it's way up Nice job setting up the rigging, yes?

The Matching Transformer is up and so are we! Waving to the camera

John Hignite, running the winch I'm gonna need a neck rub when this is done

Antenna Bay Two going up Nice and easy, OK?

Antenna Bay Two closer to the top Closer to home

Looking up at Don and Rusty setting Bay Three I hate these kinds of pictures

Two bay's up, third one on the way don't drop that, OK?

Almost there with number three It's all in the ropes

The new antenna, now mounted in place Rusty Hignite is the small shape behind the new antennas inside the tower

The new antenna now operational Up and running at sunset

Can I go home now? smile, ok?

The sunset reward after a long day Sunset at 6000 feet

This is the last set of photos in the antenna installation series. The project went well, and the antenna is working better than predicted. Installation of the new transmitter is next. You can follow the progress of that project here.

KPFK operates at 90.7 Mhz with 112,000 watts, 5900 feet above sea level and 5600 feet above Los Angeles, California.

For more about Mt. Wilson, check out my pages about the mountain here.

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© 2001 Broadcast Engineering Services of Bonny Doon