Maciunas stamp That George Maciunas died in 1978, the year Lowell Darling ran for Governor of California was suggestive. But Caydance did not think that the book object without a key was by Maciunas. Although obviously the artist had been influenced by Maciunas, the imagery on the object -- that away from the debris of slide organization was now isolated at the end her studio table -- was resonant of West Coast culture. However, Jean Brown was the expert on Maciunas and would be more conversant with his late work.

The first month of the semester was not the time to go on a cross-country journey. Instead, she would photograph the book object, call Jean, describe the work, and ask Jean if she would be willing to take a look at the slides she would send her.

studio icon Meanwhile, Caydance was looking for elements of mystery in the work that she was organizing for her class, beginning with Japanese artist Ay-O's finger boxes -- with holes into which the viewer could insert fingers and feel unseen objects, such as sponges, cotton balls, glass beads, and nails.