view of sfbay It was a beautiful day to walk the hills of San Francisco and look for surprises. Extraordinary views of the Bay. Miniature parks where she had never before been. Greek delicatessens. Store windows that displayed earrings with translucent blue beads.

But it was Monday, the day before class. Why had she thought she was completely prepared?.

In Tuesday’s class, they would focus on ephemeral books, self-publishing, and distribution, zine culture, mail art books, copy art books, color xerox calendars, hand stapled books, matchbook sized books left deliberately in on coffee house tables. In contrast, the class had been assigned to visit the Installed Video show at New Langton Arts.

arrow There was something indefinable about travelling on a country road in a sports car with a man with whom you are just getting acquainted. But, there should be a pill one could take that would move class prep to the foreground of one's mind whenever that was necessary.