For the "zine culture" class, selecting from her collection of mail art, copier created books, and legendary zines, she would arrive with a full briefcase. One by one -- beginning with a postcard from Eleanor Antin's 100 Boots and ending with a rare issue of the Mojo-Navigator -- these works would circulate. Each student would take one, describe it to the class, and then send it around the table until it returned home to Caydance.

On this morning -- while the lure of the sun-drenched City of San Francisco, mingled with memories of a secluded beach on the Pacific Ocean -- into her open briefcase, she put a frayed piece of the white nylon fabric with which Christo's Running Fence was created, given to her on the site by a friend who was working on the project. It was meaning-laden ephemera, not precisely an artists book, but she would pass it around, along with a piece of mail art from Ed Higgins. The work Ed had sent her was created with multiple icons in the form of handmade postage stamps that carried images of men and women whom she did not know. At the top, before her name, there was a quote:

arrow " Communication Theory, is the Successive Selection of Signs, Without Regard to Their Meaning".