Next to a plastic palm tree with an inset of clickable scenes from Miami Vice (an object which had arrived in the mail from Edelira with an "explanation forthcoming" note), Caydance placed the class briefcase -- to which, among other things, she had added Anna Banana's Fe Mail Art issue of Vile, with its "a letter for me from Anna Banana" graphic narrative cover. Then she set the keyless book object in front of her. She began by studying the three images, that for various reasons she had been avoiding.

view of sfbay One was torn from a music score, but only a few notes were visible. One was an image of The Guardian, the controversial 3,000 pound sculpture that had been planted uninvited near the entrance to Berkeley Pier and was now the subject of Measure N on the Fall Berkeley ballot. This image clearly dated the book object as 1985 or 1986.

arrow The third not yet documented exterior surface image looked like a circular board game. At the top was an open space. All of the squares were blank except for two on the left-hand side (the beginning?) -- and the key on the right side (the ending?).