LCP On Thursday morning, while Griff was on his way home, Caydance put her comp ticket to the Washington game in the place she had made for his work; picked up the phone and located Rich Gold, who was now at Mattel Toys, working on an AI Robot.

"If you get a copy of Little Computer People (LCP) for your Apple II, this is what will happen when you boot it up," Rich, who had an MFA in electronic music from Mills, where he was a co-founder of The League of Automatic Music Composers, told her on the telephone.

arrow "A cross section of a three-story house will appear on the screen. When a small person and his dog arrive with suitcases, you will know that you have invited your LCP, who will have a unique name, to reside in his new home in your computer. Don't forget to leave food and water on the doorstep. You can move him within the house. He will be happy if you leave him a record which he will take upstairs and play. You will hear the music, and if you invite him to play the piano, You can listen while he plays. Soon, he will use the typewriter to write you a letter."