Carl Loeffler A strawberry tarte could be made on Saturday morning; the Huskies Game did not start until 4:00 PM, Caydance thought as she walked down to La Mamelle/Art Com to join a celebration for the online publication of John Cage's First Meeting of the Satie Society.

The art space she was heading for was South of Market on 12th Street. Founding Director, Carl Loeffler, had been a friend since she interviewed him for her thesis on alternative art publishing, almost ten years ago. Over the years, while still focusing on art publication, the space had hosted performance art and artists video, including a series of artist's videos on Cable TV that featured among others, Chris Burden's true story of what happened when he bought a tractor trailer rig weighing 16,000 pounds unloaded.

arrow This year, 1986, with the founding of Art Com Electronic Network on the WELL (aka ACEN), there was a radical change from print to online publishing.