modem The process to reach Art Com publications now involved a telephone line, communications software, and a modem. If all went well, there was a series of dialing beeps, followed by a connection screech that heralded the appearance on her Apple II of a logon screen. When she typed in her username and password and then "go ACEN", a menu appeared.

arrow This week on ACEN, she found The First Meeting of the Satie Society, a computer-mediated homage to Erik Satie. With words by writers from Henry David Thoreau to Cage himself, it displayed in 18 sections on the computer screen. Printing out all 18 sections took several hours, but now an almost 2" high stack of folded continuous feed paper lay on her studio table. Unfolded it would provide a memorable climax to next week's class on breaking the codex.

Email was a magical way to communicate, Caydance thought as she crossed Market Street on her way to La Mamelle, remembering the glowing green letters that had set her on this path to a celebration for the online publication of The First Meeting of the Satie Society.