paint brushes Griff, she recalled had initially questioned why her preliminary sketchbook drawings would be re-drawn on the delicate environment of rice paper sheets that would hang unframed from newspaper racks, but afterwards he had purchased sheets of fragile-seeming rice paper and put them in the beach house where she would find them. And the paper, brushes and pens he had purchased exactly matched the ones that lay on her studio table.

arrow If Griff has a photographic memory, there is less need to worry about his Law School grades, she thought, remembering how quickly he turned the pages of Problems in Contract Law when he lay sprawled on the couch in the late afternoon.

"Study break," he had informed her, setting the book aside. "As a suggestion of what to do during a study break, I would like to offer a quote from Ken Stabler regarding what to do in an hour. These words are not in a discarded library book", Griff assured her.