beach Monday afternoon, Caydance went to the French deli to acquire dinner. Gently carrying a Quiche Lorraine, she had just reached her building, when she saw a familiar figure on her doorstep. Violet. Dressed for afternoon tea in a slinky silk gown and a shiny white peony-flowered scarf. Caydance considered retreating to a nearby mini-park and eating quiche with her hands, but it was too late. Violet had seen her. Considering the disdain with which Violet usually treated her, there was no need to be welcoming. She issued a polite greeting and warm untruthful regrets that she had class tomorrow and hours of prep to do.

"If you tell me when Jack is arriving and where he will be staying that will be adequate."

arrow "Jack doesn't update me on his whereabouts", Caydance replied with some truth.

"I'm staying at Mommie's flat", Violet informed her. "If you hear from him, tell him how much I miss him."