At home after Tuesday's class, Caydance unpacked her slides, poured a glass of Cabernet Sauvignon (from the wine rack beneath her studio table). Her brother Jack had left with the remains of the quiche, but she had a partial baguette and a wedge of Blue Castello cheese. Expecting Griff, she picked up the phone when it rang. He was, he informed her, eating left over fried onion rings.

In Eugene, Oregon, on Saturday afternoon, October 18, Stanford would play the Oregon Ducks. As usual, in addition to the game plan that the coaching staff was immersed in, Griff had a Griff-Caydance plan. "It is like the riddles Dad used to challenge me with: how to get across the river in a small boat with a goat, a wolf, and a cabbage; or a fox, a quail, and a bag of corn; or three missionaries and three cannibals. Not precisely", he assured her.

arrow Post-game, with a tape of the game film in hand, from the airport, he would take the airporter to her studio, where they would spend the night. After breakfast, they would drive to the beach house in her car. Spend Sunday night there. Early Monday morning, they would drive to Stanford in time for his class. From there, she would drive home.