The Journey Caydance's proposed Saturday traveling of the route that Howard Fried took on his December 1971 six-hour walking journey from the Berkeley Art Museum to Hayward was not workable because she had not been able to find a record of the route itself. (At the time of this performance, she was still in High School in New Jersey). Instead, in her notebook she reviewed the BOWAK-situated quote from Fried's documentation of The Journey:

"I posed the riddle's specific directive: 'Who is they?'....'The Journey' was about to begin. It would progressively add information possibly leading to the comprehension of the riddle. Those who wished to participate were asked to follow me."

arrow The Journey was, as were many other of Fried's works, such as Synchromatic Baseball, legendary in the Bay Area art world. How such potent works were inserted in a common heritage was in itself a mystery. The documentation was not that accessible.