1957 ford "A 1957 Ford". Caydance moved to the next image that had been visible on the exterior of the scroll. "The car itself and how it is positioned -- as if the photographer was standing across the street, somewhat below the car -- is a black and white copy of the car in Robert Bechtle's painting of a 1957 Ford. But in Bechtle's painting, Spanish style red-tile roofed houses place the car in suburban California. In this image, Front yard shrubs and flowers remind me of East Coast towns."

Caydance looked at Griff. "I should have told you that until recently, that car appeared to be stalking me. It was in front of my building when I returned home from class, and twice it clearly followed me when I walked in the direction of Union Square. The driver had long red hair, but his face -- I'm pretty sure it was a man -- was shadowed by a black-visored hat."

arrow "A 1957 Ford," Jack interjected, "is registered to Mackie Alarie. According to my sources, Alarie crossed the border from El Paso into Juarez about a week ago, but he was driving a camper.

"There is some concern that if he returns, he might be able to avoid detection."