Ted Williams "Ted Williams running across home plate". Caydance moved to the third image that had been visible on the exterior scroll. "Probably the artist lived in the Boston area. Although we saw the Red Sox play whenever we visited Gramps and Marnie in baseball season, we live in New Jersey, and would not have included Ted Williams as primary biographical information."

"I think that is his final home run", Jack commented. "The last time at bat on the day he retired. Fenway Park was not full, but we were there. Dad and I were charting stats in the book I got for Christmas, and that was the final entry for Ted Williams. You were a young child. I remember that you ate peanuts and took uncomposed pictures with a brownie camera.

Mom practically swooned; she said he looked like a gazelle running around the bases."

arrow "At this point," he added, "I can confirm that Mackie Alarie made this object. He was born in Boston and lived in Woburn until his family moved to Northern California."

"Here is the family station wagon loaded with luggage." Caydance had advanced to the fourth image on the exterior accordion-fold tail.