"I should tell you," she said. "that a colleague knows of a case where Alarie locked in his studio a professor who criticized his work. and then he attempted to rape her."

Griff was darkly angry. “I wish you had told me this.”

“I only found this out a few days ago. I was waiting for the right time to tell you, but that time never came.”

“There are some things that I need to know, but there is no right time to tell me. Or, sometimes it may seem that there is no right time. Please remember that when I said this is a 'we' problem, I meant that I need to know when you feel threatened, even if the time does not seem right.”

arrow Like when you are coaching an away game in Oregon? Caydance thought but did not say.

Silently she turned to the now completely exposed accordion-fold tail to the book object. "The last image that was visible before the book object was opened is an abstract drawing composed of many gray slashes, perhaps representing Alarie’s early work,."