Because Griff had not spent time with the visible part of the accordion folded tail - the part that influenced by George Maciunas' Fluxus 1, protruded from the object, Caydance had begun by describing the icons she had already deciphered.

"Now we arrive at the part that I have not yet seen, the part that was concealed inside the object. Let's look at each image carefully, as if we were confronting a newly discovered work of art."

Somehow what had been her commission had been taken by the men in her life. Assuming her role of art school faculty, was, she thought, a way of diminishing the male control of her brother and her boyfriend -- as well as a way of blunting the fear of what Mackie Alarie had planted in this hidden section of the now sinister-seeming book object.

arrow Folding up the other unseen squares, she focused on the first image. It was a black and white xeroxed photo of a bank-situated ATM machine -- from which emerged a printout, which in small print faintly registered a very low bank balance.

"The reality of an artist's life is clearly revealed in this image," she observed.