view Much had transpired in the several hours of Jack’s visit to the Beach house, Caydance recalled on Monday -- while Griff was in Law School class, and she was packing the materials for her Tuesday class.

Tuesday was also the day that Claude and Guinevere were having lunch in the Bow Valley. That was on her mind as she sat at her studio table and looked out the window. It was a calm, hazy day on the Bay.

"My intention is to return the BOWAK to 'Major Knox' along with a note identifying Mackie Alarie as the likely creator," Caydance had told Jack and Griff. "I will also write that I have not been able to find the key."

arrow "It is possible that that may bring Alarie back," Jack warned, "but if he calls you, you will stay at home, and we will send in an agent. It would be a good opportunity because the embezzlement case against him is still in the works, and we don’t know his current whereabouts. Pulling him in for attempted assault would be useful. Many things could go wrong. But you will not be there."