banners Griff McGuire arrived at art school wearing the faded jeans and silver gray jacket that he had worn at the Berkeley Art Museum. On his right hand was a Super Bowl XV ring. It was not the only Super Bowl ring he owned, but in his opinion wearing more than one was too flashy.

Sitting strategically beside the door, Yuri was wearing a dark blue, red and white stripe-banded hockey jersey with Russian lettering, which he said could be translated although not exactly as "SKA Leningrad" and that this shirt kept him out of trouble on the streets of Leningrad. Noting the Super Bowl ring on Griff’s hand, Yuri stood up diplomatically. Caydance had not been sure whether this meeting would be hostile or fraught with male bonding. They shook hands.

arrow She did not plan to introduce Griff until the end of the class, so as not to distract from student presentations. He waved to Caydance, sat down in the back of the class. At the table in front of the class, Fernando, the next student to present, arrived with a cotton shopping bag, emblazoned with the United Farm Workers logo.