In front of the class, Fernando opened the UFW shopping bag; slowly pulled out the first panel of an artists book that lay folded inside the bag. "I began," he told the class, "with the idea of creating a work that housed images of the fruits and vegetables picked by my family, including my grandparents on both sides of the family; my Mother and Father, their siblings and children.

"There were not enough photos of my family working in the fields, so I made pen and watercolor images of the fruits and vegetables themselves, and on each square (under the painting), wrote in pen, the names of the people, who picked each fruit or vegetable. And where this occurred.

arrow "I will show you the panels so far created, beginning in Ventura County with strawberries and lettuce, picked by my Father’s parents." The images were pen and ink drawings completed with vibrant shades of watercolor. "Here", Fernando said, "are apricots from Silicon Valley, picked by my Mother’s grandparents; asparagus, avocados, and oranges picked in Riverside Country by my Mother and Father, grapes for the making of raisins, picked in Fresno by my uncle and his family. I'll be working on this until School ends in December. Then I'm giving it to Mom for Christmas.”