"The inspiration for this work", Jasmine, who was the last student to present, said to the class, "began with Nancy Karp's Six Dances, but I wanted to make an artists book that centered on my community, which is black dance. And then, I heard the levels of meaning in Janet Jackson's 'Control'. And then, there were my silver dance boots. I choreographed my dance, translated the movement into photographs of the silver boots in different positions. Making multiple images of the boots that represented the dance was not as easy as it might sound. Then, I translated the photographs into color xerox, which gave the whole a consistent look and feel. The images were mounted on successive squares of accordion-folded arches paper, creating a progression of movement which does not occur until you open the box which I made to contain this work." Jasmine held up a painted box, read Janet Jackson's words on its cover:

arrow "let me take you by the hand,
And lead you on this dance..."

She opened the box, untied the ribbon which fastened the closed accordion fold book, held the whole up vertically, so that it unfolded in a beautiful progression of five feet of dancing silver boots.