An array of lost umbrellas distinguished the room where the lost and found items were stored. Where was her red umbrella? Caydance wondered. Was it still in the closet where she had shoved it in the Spring? Engrossed in paperwork, a museum guard sat behind an antique desk. "The key to a work of art that is in my possession is missing", she explained. "I'm hoping that I dropped it in the museum." The story was thin. The guard looked skeptical. Griff put his hand on her shoulder displaying his Super Bowl ring.

The guard smiled. "I have your bubblegum card," he said to Griff.

arrow Caydance opened her substamtial briefcase. Showed him the image of a key on the surface of the BOWAK. "It looks like this", she said, "and it fits in there." She showed him the keyhole.

He opened a drawer in the desk revealing hundreds of keys. "Mostly we have house keys and car keys, but this one looks possible." He handed the key to Caydance. She tried to put it in the lock, but it did not fit. There were no other keys that looked possible.

On the way to the cafe, Caydance and Griff looked in vain for Andy Warhol's Triple Elvis. In the cafe, three big men were ordering salads.