This week's class starts with an hour or so of studio work in which students get their work ready to show to the class, Caydance told Griff on the telephone Monday night. He had just returned from a coaches' game film break-down meeting. "Some students have continued to work in the lecture and fabrication space that is our classroom. Some are now working in the print making or digital imaging studios. We'll all gather in the classroom for the rest of the day. Each student will demo their work to the class, and there will be crits from me and feedback from fellow students. This is a midterm ritual enjoyed by some students and dreaded by others."

"The defense coaches enjoyed today's film break-down meeting," Griff responded. "But I'm an offense coach in the wake of an offense shutout, so I'm looking forward to an adventure at your school tomorrow."

arrow "If you get there around 3:30, you'll be in time to see the last two students present their work. Who is presenting when was in the hands of the students. But I think you will be interested in the final works, both of which are accordion-fold books. My students insisted that Yuri demonstrate his breaking the codex hockey rink, but that you will miss because it takes place just before lunch. "