Sort of like Santa Claus in an old story, the legendary Safety, who had tackled the monster shaggy bear, called an inaudible message of good cheer to Griff, and then departed quickly. Led by Hardy Nickerson, on the field the Cal band was playing another fight song. Written by a Cal Professor on a 19th century road trip, it was the oldest song in the Cal Band's repertory. The words:

"And oh, that Bear’s a glorious sight, glorious sight,
A-circling ‘round the pole all night, pole all night;"

filled the air. Emerging from a crowd of axe-claiming Cal fans, Caydance's brother Jack and the US cultural attaché to Leningrad, Yuri (brandishing his terrifying unfurled collapsible hockey stick), appeared at the foot of the stands. Simultaneously, the Agency backup, which Jack had called for on his seldom-stolen International agent’s French beer can phone, descended from the top of the Stadium.

arrow But the space on the ground. where Mackie Alarie -- who inside the bear suit had lain still -- was empty. A voice in the crowd spoke: "The man bear thing? It got up and ran in the direction of the opposing team stadium exit"