As Jack had predicted, the call from Mackie Alarie's identity as Major Knox had occurred just after Griff and the Stanford Football team left for Pasadena and the UCLA game. The message was to the effect that he had received her return of the artists book and was calling to tell her that he had found the key in his car where it must have fallen out. But he had not yet opened the book object. He was planning to take some time off from his busy schedule and do this on Saturday afternoon. Caydance was welcome to join him.

arrow Remembering the image that showed her lashed onto a couch in a camper, while Mackie Alarie stood beside her, grinning, Caydance shivered at the sound of his voice. There was no way that she would meet him anywhere. Nevertheless, she was not comfortable with telling him that she would meet him. Partially this was because she did not want to ever hear his voice again, and partially it was because she did not want to tell this lie, even though under the circumstances, it was justifiable and might provide an opportunity to trap him.

After consulting with her brother, she did not respond to the message.