"There is a reason I told you this story." Her Father's sonorous voice on the telephone reminded her of childhood storytelling evenings. "I was almost 30 years old when I followed Skye into the Library, he continued. "This was not something that I would usually have done. But in that era and at that that age I was not married. This had not been on my mind until I realized that all my friends were married and had children. And until across the street I saw a woman, whom I knew immediately I wanted to marry."

Caydance was not surprised that the story had migrated to a place where the undercurrent was that she herself was almost 30 and still unmarried.

studio icon "Also", her Father continued, "I want to tell you a sad story about Griff McGuire, whom you asked me about last week. It seems" -- her Father did not mention his source -- "that after the Raiders released him, Griff's girlfriend left him for a rookie quarterback, whom she married this year in August."