Jay DeFeo's The Rose
“Why this work is sitting here on my studio table is that it was bought by a collector from an antique store. He took it to Stanford Art History, who sent him to me. But why it is resonant for both of us worries me also. Maybe it is just because we share similar histories with the artist.

"Is it pertinent that you identified two images that I might not have been able to identify? I don't know," Caydance continued. "However, I can identify the next image. It is Jay DeFeo's The Rose, an enormous painting in which the paint is so thick that it appears to be sculpture. It took her eight years to create.

arrow icon "The Rose is currently in semi-storage at the San Francisco Art Institute. What I mean by semi-storage is that it is not on display in a gallery, but instead is housed in the wall of a Conference room. Because, the whereabouts of The Rose is known to the SFAI community, but it is not known to the public, it is likely that at some point the artist who made this book object was a SFAI student.