"For years" Caydance said to her Mother on the telephone, "Dad has told the story of following you into the library and a resultant chain of intrusive interlibrary loan requests for hockey books, but you have never told me this story from your point of view."

"It wasn't only hockey books; it was also football books." Her mother had a musical laugh and a way of looking at life that it wasn't until she left home that Caydance realized was a seldom acknowledged gift. As if life was an environment to always enjoy. No matter what happened.

"But did you think that you would spend the rest of your life with Mac O'Brien?" she asked.

studio icon "The truth of the matter", her Mother responded, "is that 'think' is not an accurate verb for how I felt when your Father first sat down beside me in my small book-filled office in a library where I was always at home."