view “I have heard that Kenny Stabler was inspirational one way or another,” Caydance said to Griff.

"Yes, first my mother was gone and then Ken."

Their end of the beach was now almost deserted. The afternoon sun was warm; she wanted to take off her shirt and reveal the blue bikini top. Anticipating her once again -- it was, she supposed, a necessary skill for a receiver at his level -- Griff reminded her that "The senior coaches knew perfectly well what they were doing when they called an unusual late Sunday afternoon practice plan and told me that I had to be there. However", he added, "courtesy of Coach Jack, I have a ticket for you for this coming Saturday home game, and I have been excused from Saturday's after-game team events."

studio icon "That does not mean", he paused to look at her, "that at this very moment I do not want to lie down in the sand, pull you gently down beside me and slowly let you know how I feel about how you look on this on this perfect Sunday Afternoon."