two glasses "The good news," Jack continued, "is that a man who kept company with Ken Stabler might not be concerned with such practicalities. Why isn't he starting a fast-food restaurant?"

"His mother's was a ranked French Canadian figure skater. Isn’t that on your territory", Caydance replied. Starchily.

"What I mean," Jack responded, "was that it is normal for any man to be interested in as beautiful a woman as my sister. As for me, I'm on my way back to France, where I've been playing soccer with Giselle’s brother's Amateur Club."

"Now that's slotting in." This was as serious as he had sounded since the Scandinavian short track skater.

studio icon Accompanied by the sound of Jack's cheerfully boastful tales of his club's victories and league standing and by the French champagne that he had ordered, Caydance relaxed in the company of her brother.