Home from class, she had barely time to grab a beer from the refrigerator and open a bag of peanuts and toasted wheat checks, pretzels, and little toast things, when Griff returned her call.

"You asked about Saturday's game", he said, "so I'll tell you that San Diego State is 3-1, with a loss to UCLA, which is not unexpected given how UCLA looks this year. The good news is that their starting quarterback, Todd Santos, is out with an injury. We are 3-0, but Coach Jack is worried about our offense, so there is an effective combination of pressure and open thinking driving our practice planning. But I cannot disclose our Depth Plan."

Caydance relaxed, took a sip of beer. "You like working for Jack Elway," she observed.

"I love the way he approaches offensive strategy, and he is fun to work with. A lot of this stuff -- the one-back spread offense, quick passing -- has been around for a while, but Jack's grasp of the potential of the offense as a whole system is amazing."

studio icon "But ..", he continued, "but you are home from a six-hour class, and it would be proper for me to stop talking about football, reserve my interest in what we will eat for dinner on Saturday -- a subject which always holds my attention, and ask you about working with art students. What happened in art school today?"