While Griff was laughing, and before he could ask what had happened at Clancy's, she began another story: how eight years ago in Houston, Texas at the Contemporary Arts Museum, video artist Frank Gillette installed an environment he had been working on for a few years. In this work, on six video channels, images of Fall, Winter, and Spring on the Texas Gulf Coast played and played again rhythmically, at regular intervals. What she was trying to say was that Medieval manuscripts were not at the core of her work, but she thought he would be interested in things that happened in her world.

studio icon "Probably that was more poetic than things that happen at Clancy's", Griff responded. "Some day you will tell me what you, your Mother, and your roommate drank at Clancy's, where they don’t serve tea, but you might have met some of my friends. Meanwhile, I wish I could remember the name of that bar in Houston with at least 10 monitors and a huge screen. Admittedly I was there. That much I remember. If they had served tea, my memory of that night would be better. Maybe it was the same time as Texas Gulf Coast seasons were playing and replaying at the museum, but I think it was a few years later -- about when Snake went to the Oilers. Some of us missed him, so we went on an unscheduled Texas road trip.” .