beer Because the team would leave for Oregon on Thursday night, Griff called Caydance on Wednesday night. She decided to wait until they were together to tell him what Cory had revealed about Mackie Alarie. “At lunch, we drank sparkling rose, ate sandwiches and Pizza, and talked about photography and narrative," she said.

He did not tell her that several of his former teammates were looking for someone to hit. But he felt good about this. “At Clancy's, we drank some beer”, he said in summary of the event. "But You probably want to know how Stanford looks against the Ducks."

Caydance looked out her window at the occasional lights on night boats sailing on the dark bay and smiled because she was happy to hear his voice, and actually she did want to know how Stanford looked against the Ducks. "How does Stanford look against the Ducks?" she asked.

arrow "So far this year their quarterback, Chris Miller, has a 67% completed pass percentage, but Paye stands up pretty well against Miller, and their defense is bad.” Griff was on a roll. "So bad that the Oregon Coach told John Lis, who covers our games for the Stanford Daily, that 'we can't stop anyone, I don't think I can think of one. Let's see, we've got no pass rush, we're inconsistent — we're pretty undisciplined on defense.'”