"Panel number five in the hidden part of the scroll, contains four photographs of the BOWAK -- the front and back of the box part and two views of the accordion-fold scroll before it was inserted. In the first accordion-fold view, the top images are visible, but only the first four hidden panels are visible in the other view. Probably, the other panels were not completed when the photo was taken."

"We now come to square six in the previously hidden scroll ", Caydance continued. "This panel confirms my suspicion that the artist with long red hair -- who told Judith about his plans for a key search as a part of exhibiting his work and who stalked me in the 1957 Ford -- was Mackie Alarie in disguise.

arrow "What we see in panel six is a red wig on a stand. Mackie Alarie as Major Knox, with a strange expression on his face, stands beside it.

All the work he spent creating what we call the BOWAK. As faculty in this field, I am disappointed that his motives may not have been good. If this is the case he is not representative of the field."

"Prepare for a shock in the next panel," Jack warned.