skating jumps She had just settled into a margarita and guacamole and chips when, which was now an after-her-class tradition, Griff called.

Although normally the conversation would begin with Griff asking about her class, he had just heard from his Dad and was on a child's fantasy roll about separated parents getting back together, which in this case might possibly happen. Surprisingly, his parents were not actually divorced due to his Mother's desire to attend Mass and Montreal Priests not asking questions about her relationship with a Habs couch.

Dad called right after his lunch with Mom, Griff told Caydance on the telephone. The restaurant overlooked the river. It was a too chilly to sit outside, but they sat by the window. There was a view to the mountains. His Father ordered beef tenderloin with dauphinoise potatos; his mother ordered salmon with wild mushroom risotto.

arrow Over a glass of Napa Valley Merlot for Claude, French Chardonnay for Genevieve, Claude pulled out the photos Caydance had taken, developed at art school and expressed to Claude just in time.