There was more to this story, but they had reached a miniature park, where a bench was hidden amongst flowering greenery. "There are benches where I would sit down and tell you all that I knew about Washington State’s oddly unpredictable 1986 season." Griff sat down on the bench, conveyed Caydance gently down beside him. "But that is not what this secluded bench suggests to me."

sunset Later, in her studio, while out the window, night fell on the Bay, Caydance -- who had prepped the ingredients early in the morning -- prepared Mediterranean potatoes and chilled artichokes to serve with the French deli salmon.

While she worked in the kitchen, Griff told her that the University had offered Claude a cottage in the Bow Valley. It would not be a difficult commute; was not far from the Skating Club where Genevieve coached; and, except that Claude did not know how to drive in the snow, was a dream come true. Also, there was a bus.

arrow "This very day, Professor McGuire had lunch again with my Mother," Griff said to Caydance. "On the telephone he told me 'I love her, and I always have loved her. But there is time.' Never before has he told me how much he loved my Mother. However, Dad's grasp of time is an issue. Over ten years have passed since she left."