On late night telephone Jack came immediately to the point. "I was out with Giselle when the message that Yuri had spotted Mackie Alarie came through."

"Yuri encountered Mackie?"

Mab poster "Yes. Yuri is occupied at the Mab with some of your students. An interest in contemporary culture is important in his job, and there are groups that he has been following for years," Jack observed. "But I've summarized his report as follows:"

"Yuri stayed in your classroom after everyone left. He was installing lights in his breaking the codex indoor hockey rink, when a man opened the door at the far end and appeared to be studying the seating in the classroom. The intruder -- long red hair, probably a wig, grubby looking clothes as if he had been a long trip -- ignored Yuri whom he probably mistook for a student (since at the time Yuri was bent over his artwork, checking the on and off controls for the hockey ring lights).

arrow "Observing that the intruder matched images he had been shown of Mackie Alarie, Yuri stood up".