"Yuri was warned not to use a gun in the classroom. According to his account, he flexed his muscles and in Russian growled what he says were the equivalent words of 'I am security'. His intention was to intimidate but not to reveal precisely why he was in the classroom. The intruder, who was on the far side of the classroom, vanished quickly out the door.

"Yuri had to cross the classroom. Was not familiar with the maze of classrooms and studio entrances and exits in this area of your school. He was looking forward to the opportunity to use excessive force. Is disappointed that he did not catch the intruder. Yuri loves your class."

"What concerns me", Caydance said, "is that it could have been me who was alone in that classroom. Often I stay late to make sure that everything is as it should be. But today because Griff came to class, I left when the students did. Tomorrow, I plan to go to the museum to make sure that the key to the BOWAK is not in their lost and found. Griff will go with me."

"Not that I couldn't go myself", she added.

arrow "If Griff goes with you, yes, go to the museum tomorrow," Jack advised before he hung up.