football November 1, 1986 was a beautiful Day to sit in Stanford Stadium for the last home game of the season. Caydance was wearing jeans, a white sweater, and a red and white Stanford football scarf which had appeared as if by magic in her closet.

At the start of the second half, the score was Stanford 28 -Washington State 0. This was precisely the score before the Cougars scored five touchdowns two years ago, but the crowd wasn't worried. Quarterback John Paye had scored the first touchdown himself. Then, it was Paye to James for the second touchdown. Brad Muster carried the football more times than Caydance could count. Andy Sinclair was in steady control at Center And the Cougars had all but surrendered to the Cardinal defense.

In the third quarter, the crowd stood up when Toi Cook took the field for the first time since a broken wrist. In the fourth quarter, Dave Wyman made a spectacular one-handed interception.

arrow Sitting in the early November sun, taking her time leaving the stands, Caydance was happy. Maybe it was the final Stanford 42 - Cougars 12 score. Maybe it was the standing ovation for Brad Muster. Maybe it was the long Tuesday night that she spent with Griff in her studio.

"What's in cooler?" Griff asked as they prepared to head over the hills to his house North of Monterey Bay.