Caydance opened the cooler, pulled out a Black Forest ham and Swiss cheese sandwich. No soggy lettuce or tomato. Lots of ham and cheese. Handed it to Griff, along with a large Coke. "In the cooler, there is also a bottle of Champagne that Giselle brought us all the way from France, and in this basket, chocolates from Paris and a pecan pie laced with chocolate that I made this morning. And if we could stop in Boulder Creek for whipping cream...."

Griff smiled. He had already begun on the sandwich. "Let's get on the road."

the drive to Santa Cruz "There is nothing like being in the locker room after a win in a key game", Griff remarked as they headed over the hills to Santa Cruz. "Everyone shouting, hugging, congratulating each other. Then, just when you think the party will go on all night, Coach starts talking about the importance of the following weeks game. For us: next week against UCLA. This usually causes things to get quieter. Lulled by The sound of the Head Coach's voice, players remember what lies ahead, what hurts on their body, what mistakes they made that will show up on the game film. Today however, it was hard to quiet the euphoria."

arrow "Me? I'm usually thinking about what I can get to eat. Next stop -- not counting the whipping cream in Boulder Creek -- double cheeseburgers with bacon, French fries and onion rings.".