champagne glasses At home after cheeseburgers and other desired foods in a wharf-situated cafe and after an interlude that began on the night dark beach and ended on Griff's substantial couch, he opened the Champagne, while Caydance made whipped cream and told him the story of how Jack and Giselle had rung her doorbell on Halloween night.

arrow "Jack was wearing a tuxedo and Giselle was wearing a cascading red dress that only a beautiful French dancer would have in her closet. On their way home from a dancer's party, both wearing eye masks, looking like a couple from a world far away, they arrived bearing presents. On her left hand, Giselle was wearing an emerald ring that -- when she took off her mask -- matched the color of her eyes. 'Is there something you two want to tell me?’ I asked.

"And so, we celebrated their engagement until late last night", Caydance said, as Griff tested the whipped cream with a large spoon, and she placed French chocolates in a silver bowl.