On Sunday morning Caydance and Griff, took a hike on a trail she had discovered in a local trail book. The trail meandered past streams, across fields of artichokes, revealed specular views of the ocean, and led to a sheltered cove, where they ate a picnic of ham and cheese sandwiches and Chardonnay.

That afternoon, instead of watching the Raiders Broncos game, they inserted the film of the Washington State game into the video player and began at the beginning.

Not too long into the first quarter, there was a Stanford drive that concluded when Paye threw a 17-yard pass to James for a touchdown. Griff rewound the film to study the drive. His eyes were on the line of scrimmage, when Caydance noticed that the camera revealed people on the Washington State side of the game.

arrow "Roll it back a little and look at the audience", she said.

For a moment, the camera settled on a man with long bright red hair and a pair of binoculars that seemed trained not at the field but at the Stanford stands across the way, exactly where Caydance was sitting.