"Coach Tollner led the Trojans to the PAC10 championship in 1984," Griff continued. "Under Tollner, USC defeated Ohio State in the Rose Bowl game. On Saturday, we're facing a soon to be legendary quarterback, Rodney Peete. That said, there's good reason to expect our defense to hold the Trojans. Offense? We looked good against the Ducks' defense, but the Trojans' defense is a different story. Word is that they will cover our wide receivers with as many a five or six defensive backs. Too much is riding on this game. PAC10 dominance. The Rose Bowl game. I know why Couch Jack is worried. The tension has transferred to the players. I've been there. Sometimes this is good; sometimes it is not."

Her week's class was completed. Out the window of Caydance's San Francisco studio, the sun was setting on the dark blue Bay.

arrow "If Stanford loses on Saturday, it will not be a good night to celebrate. Saturday night we'll pick up a pizza. But here is the important thing", Griff said to Caydance on the telephone. "This Sunday night, I want to take you out to dinner at a restaurant in Santa Cruz I've been saving for a special occasion. Steak or lobster and champagne and your company.

Caydance smiled. "Perfect" she said. "For Sunday dinner I will pack a dress that I think you will like."