"Your chariot is in the parking garage", Griff remarked, as late Tuesday afternoon, they emerged from the art school where Caydance taught. "I thought it would be a pleasure to walk home through the City, but now -- as we leave this unexpected castle where things happen that I have never experienced before -- I would have liked to offer you a ride in my car."

Caydance took his arm in the old fashioned way. "We will walk home the roundabout way," she said. "And on the way, there will be views of the Bay, unexpected gardens, a pocket park where there is hidden bench. Just before we arrive at my studio, we will walk into the best French Deli in The City and pick what we want for dinner. Coquilles Saint-Jacques, pan-seared salmon with beurre blanc, or fillet mignon with béarnaise sauce. On the way, I imagine that you will tell me how Stanford looks against Washington State."

arrow Stanford football "Two years ago in Stanford Stadium, near the end of the third quarter, Stanford led 42-14.” Griff began this story as they walked down a steep hill on the way to to Caydance’s studio. “That sounds satisfactory, but the next thing that happened was that the Cougars scored five times, and they took the game 49-42. With this humiliation in mind, this week’s practice begins with a mission. We aren’t going to rest on our laurels the way we did the last time the Cougars were here. This is important to Coach Elway, and it's important to the players who were there two years ago."