The evening after the UCLA game, precisely when (for Griff) Caydance was replaying the message from "Major Knox," her brother had arrived, carrying an evidence bag.

"While Stanford battled UCLA in Pasadena, three federal agents and I took a company blue Volvo that looked remarkably like Caydance's car down to Palo Alto. We pulled up at the door of the offices of Major Knox Silico Valley Ventures," Jack had said, setting the evidence bag on the studio table. "Is that Irish coffee?"

arrow Griff displayed a bottle of Powers whiskey. Jack indicated that the coffee ingredient was not necessary. Griff filled a coffee cup with whiskey, handed it to Jack. "Sadly, since our last surveillance, video security cameras had been installed at the entrance to Major Knox Silicon Valley Ventures," Jack continued. "And by the time, we were able to enter the building, Alarie was gone. Not out the back door, where we had already stationed a man."

"There was", Jack explained, "a side door hidden by now-trampled California native bushes, from whence Alarie/Knox escaped to the parking lot of a neighboring corporation, where -- in this parking lot, on a deserted Saturday afternoon, he had (we think because the 1957 Ford was still parked in back of Major Knox Ventures) parked the camper that with various license plates he is suspected to come and go to the border."