In the crowd on the way to the big game, a casually dressed woman, who had been consuming coffee and blueberry muffins at a neighboring table in the Deli, appeared to be following her. Jack had warned that for her protection, there would be some surveillance. Caydance was not concerned.

"There were no computers or files in the offices of Major Knox Silicon Valley Ventures. But in his haste to depart, he left these things in his office." From the evidence bag, Jack had pulled handcuffs, nylon rope, duct tape, and a hammer with a dark rubber head. "This was on the wall." He opened an envelope in the evidence bag to reveal a photograph of Caydance -- taken at a picnic in the woods.

"That photo was taken at the picnic where I slugged him, when he cornered me, and pushed me up against a tree," she said.

arrow "We'll use women agents," her brother explained. "That way if you think someone is following you, there will be less concern about disguised Alaries. This does not mean that you should go to the Sierras for Thanksgiving. That is not advisable."