Judy Malloy

in progress:
Hunting and Gathering in Cyberspace (2025-) And, the sound of the modem echoes again in the environment
Workshop Play Action (2024-)

teaching photo of Judy Malloy:"...readers reading in the hypertextual environment are engaged in a 'reflexive body writing' characterized by moments of textual embodiment (pattern) as well as disembodiment (randomness) as they trace their own unique path through the weave of multiple texts." - Jaishree Odin, Modern Fiction Studies

2021: "merged with the screen for days" -- an aleatoric environment composed with the details of life during the COVID pandemic.

Arriving Simultaneously on Multiple Far-Flung Systems, 2018

Arriving a matrix of constantly changing narrative fragments...Its disjointed interface and narrative structure mirror the technology of the time, when stacks of punch cards were used to input data and gaps or alterations in the sequence of cards would lead to unpredictable results. Roman Kalinovski, Arcade, 2018

The Yellow Bowl, 2019, 1992

a yellow bowl with arrows entering and emerging .The Yellow Bowl got at something about the simultaneous tracks of a mental life, and about how our memories and ideas, fictions and physical realities all ping off one another; about how the past and the present, the read and the imagined, can coexist in our minds in an exceptionally vivid way, and indeed be in dialogue with each other and influence our actions from moment to moment every day. Emily Short, Interactive Storytelling

passport photo l0ve0ne, 1994

"Form and content achieve a near-perfect suture in the first selection in the Eastgate Web Workshop: Judy Malloy's lOve One..." - Rita Raley, Postmodern Culture (PMC)

l0ve0ne (1994) was the first work in the Eastgate Web Workshop. In this seminal web-based hypernovella -- of Xreality, changing identities, physical computing, robotic Pinocchios, Rajput miniatures that morph into parallel narratives, barns full of old computers, and country western songs on German radio -- an American writer on Holiday in Germany and France is immersed in an underground world of European hacker-artist culture. With the enchanting name of k0cHack0g0s, l0ve0ne has been translated into Polish by Mariusz Pisarski and Zuzanna Grochulska.

More about l0veone

"Notes on the Creation of its name was Penelope"

its name was Penelope
its name was Penelope, Eastgate Systems, 1993

"Penelope's compounded, disjunctive structure corresponds with and seems to arise from the narrator's restless splitting off of attention, under the opposed attractions of sexual and esthetic desire.....The analogy between the on-screen texts of Penelope and sequences of photographs prompts the reader's reflection up on the nature of each medium...the words of a text screen float on a motile surface, poised for instantaneous change into another, not fully predictable writing." - Barbara Page, Postmodern Culture

web version of the 1990 Narrabase Press/Art Com edition

Uncle Roger
BASIC and UNIX versions: 1986;
Web version: 1996

Judy Malloy, "Uncle Roger", an Online Narrabase", in "Connectivity: Art and Interactive Telecommunications", Leonardo 24:2, 195-202.

"Part of what has made this such an endearing and enduring work is Malloy s instincts for structure and humor, pacing and plot. She chose to write a fragmented story about non-linear and associative things: parties, dreams, human interactions, food, the comings and goings of a cat, and more. She populated this world with a few memorable characters, but none more so than Uncle Roger himself... Leonardo Flores